Early bird granny was dead on right about “The Purge” Trump speech

    by ControlCAD


    1. **Every** movie trope makes it into MAGA “politics” now. And I’m being generous here; I’m sure we could find less understandable explanations based on real historic events.

      But I’m glad to see there’s a limit to how far Americans are willing to take it. Maybe premature celebration, but at this point I just don’t see him winning anymore.

      Only one problem remains: even when he loses, almost half of all voters will have voted for him…

    2. I’ve always said the back half of the Forever Purge is how I see things going. Gangs of MAGAS roaming around in the back of pickups adorned with flags like domestic ISIS with AR15s shooting anything that doesn’t look white or Trumpy enough. And the funny thing about border walls is they’re just as good at keeping people in as out.

      The other part I see happening is lists of enemies will be drawn up and police or special tactical units will use the purge period to to eliminate all dissenters as well as anyone who is deemed insufficiently loyal.

      So um, have fun with that. How the fuck is this election THIS close? Seriously?

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