We Live in a Society 😢

    by TCH62120


    1. Teddy_The_Bear_ on

      How is this really useful? If it biodegraded in a month how long is it actually stable enough to be useful? The expiration on milk if you catch it early can be 1/2 a month. So how many days before it becomes a non-viable container for that? How about the bag of meatballs in my freezer that have a shelf life of 4 months? I mean it is cool that she made something like that but seriously, how about stable for a year biodegraded in 2 years. That would be actually useful.

    2. StarlightDaisy12 on

      aint no way anything that lasts a month is alright to mass produce let alone replace plastic

    3. Theres a “plastic” made from corn that is biodegradable. You cant eat it but it holds up good.

    4. The first question everyone should ask is “Does it hold up against water? Aka is it water proof?”

      Usually that’s why many plastic replacement products fail because they can’t survive Vs water which is one of the benefits/utilities of plastic use.

    5. Reasons we might not hear about it ever again:

      1. The results were exaggerated, as they often are with scientific literature.

      2. The durability is not practical.

      3. The price is astronomical.

      The science field is very toxic. Paople are pushed to produce results and only good results.

    6. As someone who works in logisitcs, by the time what ever its packaging goes from supplier to factory to customer, it would have been at least a few months.

      Even for plastic bags at convenience stores. Also there is no why this will ever by cost effective.

    7. Death jokes aside. I dont think any decent company will make the switch because it only lasts a month.

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