This is an actual Nazi level threat

    by Real-Work-1953


    1. Desperate men destroy the world around them and give a false sense of empowerment for others to perform acts of stochastic terrorism. Like Giuliani (and Netanyahu in Israel), it’s easy to encourage violent behavior to save themselves from the prison cells where they belong.

    2. Significant-Summer-8 on

      This ‘human’ needs to be sent into oblivion. Your country and the world will be better off when he’s consigned to irrelevance as he sits in his cell

    3. Of course, it’s a stupid thing to say. But, like most of Dear Leader’s brilliant solutions, it’s stupid because it’s just a fantasy. Completely unworkable and infeasible. But hey.. that’s his whole character. At this point, it’s just weird dementia-addled ramblings.

    4. NoLibrarian5149 on

      What else will DonOld pull from his hero Hitlers playbook? “Detention” camps? Oh wait, he already mentioned them….?

    5. Just another one of the dozens of “coincidences” of Donald Trump’s rhetoric and ideology being identical to Adolf Hitler and the nazis.

      Won’t be surprised if there’s a bunker at Mara Largo for just one more “coincidence.”

    6. That fat old bigot already quoted a white supremacist on the topic: when the looting starts the shooting starts.

      We can’t let this moron be president ever again.

      If you want disappearances of your friends and family who spoke out against him, if you want summary executions of “the others”, if you want everyone else to live in fear of their fellow Americans, then don’t vote, or vote explicitly for this turd in a red tie and ill fitting suit… this whiny little piss baby who you can’t trust around your own children – because he’s paid off plaintiffs before – some as young as ten years old, and two of them at least were boys.

    7. Jesus, the idiot really gets all of his policy ideas from TV. Doesn’t matter if it’s Fox News or cheesy horror-action movies.

    8. I truly believe this

      America is at threat of civil war

      But even if Harris wins, the right has constantly been all talk, even in their policy and governance, they hide behind fear and inaction, they wont rise up, jan 6th was proof they dont have what it takes to go the full mile

      But if trump wins, he threatens everything, he threatens to kill millions of Americans, destroy the lives of many, and end the country as we know it.

      If trump wins there will be a civil war.

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