POV: You’re a Hippo’s Dentist.

    by EmptySpaceForAHeart


    1. ThornsofTristan on

      Amazing how cool the hippo was. “Sure, strange monkey…you can put your head in my cavernous mouth and feel around my gigantic teeth. Hey, wait…’watermelon?’ Yum! Well, ok, see ya next month. (Humans. They make me do strange things. And then they give me treats.)”

    2. The only way I’d do that job is if there’s someone else pointing a bazooka at the hippo, the moment it decides he’s hungry you are done for

    3. It is estimated that hippo attacks kill 500 people each year in Africa. It is not only their size and weight that makes them dangerous, but also their very sharp teeth!

    4. OneAndOnlyJackSchitt on

      This video has everything!

      * Correct use of “POV”
      * Something which is actually interesting as fuck
      * Subverting the expectation “Hippos are dangerous death machines and a person fucking around with their teeth probably means they’re dead”
      * Decent quality picture
      * Fucking sound
      * And cuts off the super loud and obnoxious TikTock audio logo

      Good job. You get my upvote.

    5. Revolutionary-Dog835 on

      Glad that grass stuck in the back disappeared. Reminds me when I get kimchi stuck back there.

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