Not to mention in typical Trump camp fashion, they decided it was perfectly OK to just show up without checking with the business first.

    But this response is pretty in-line with the MAGA party. Bully and harass people if they don't get their way.

    Time to counter-review bomb I guess….

    by Alexkg50


    1. Leftist and trans are terrorists!!

      – Decided to bomb and destroy the restaurant for standing against weird JD Vance

    2. Tuesday_Patience on

      Maybe their, you know, PAYING customers didn’t want to give up their night out. Fifty people can’t just walk into a restaurant and expect them to just magically have space and food for them. Though we know Vance wouldn’t have paid, so it’s doubtful they would have made any money off the “pop-up” event anyway.

    3. I read last night that the restaurant did accommodate Vance after reassessing the situation, so he was not even turned away at the end. Idiots.

    4. What happened to “Business have the right to refuse anyone?” That’s what republicans love to say, especially in a discriminatory manner

    5. Mcboatface3sghost on

      They are going to destroy “Primanti Bros” The original place that decided “yes, this sandwich is insanely large, but we figured we’d add a half pound of fries to it, because fuck it, why not”. Those Primanti Bros? I say good luck “cancelling” them. How’s the Taylor Swift and Bud Light boycott going for you fucking dorks?

    6. inbetween-genders on

      They can’t just be happy having a picnic at a parking lot with buckets and buckets of Patriot Survival Foods??

    7. Wow! I didn’t know “free speech” included such threats. Good thing Primanti Brothers only makes sandwiches and isn’t a movie theater.

    8. It’s a well known restaurant. People already made up their minds about it. Review bombing won’t do shirt.

    9. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      He should go to their usual restaurant of choice, Old County Buffet: The Home of Meal Team 6.

    10. decayed-whately on

      This is the anti-cancel culture crowd we’re hearing from?

      Cool, just wanted to make sure. 👍

    11. Wow.. the crowd who advocates for “fuck your feelings” and the right to deny service to anyone is really up their feelings for a restaurant exercising their rights.

    12. Burnvictim49percent on

      Conservatives cheer it on as a win for the first amendment when businesses deny services to gay and queer people. Bakers not baking cakes. Graphic designers denying websites for gay weddings. They’re all for it. They don’t wanna serve or deal with gay people. Just like decent normal people don’t wanna deal with a spineless, racist, misogynistic, fascist, lying, soulless POS. Primanti Bros has been around 90 years. They will survive a bunch of half illiterate mouth breathing morons review bombing them.

    13. Vance operates under the delusion that he is popular. Where he got that idea I haven’t a clue. He spreads lies, uses hate speech, talks bad about POC. He wonders why when he walks into a business, the workers don’t fawn over him. They probably don’t know who he is as they are probably working 2 jobs and don’t have a bunch of free time to watch TV if they have a TV.

    14. Who decides to do a publicized political drop-in somewhere, without actually clearing it with management? Imagine Walz dropping into one of those anti-gay bakeries to hold a meet and greet.

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