There is no bottom. Prepare yourselves.

    by SorryNSorry


    1. Here’s the thing, Americans have seen how low they can go. It just hasn’t been on a large scale other than Jan 6th.

      MAGA supporters go low each and everyday with individual experiences. We’ve all seen videos of them freaking out individually, and soon we’ll see them all group together.

      Vote, y’all. Get out there and absolutely vote!

    2. Every time I didn’t think he could get any lower, he somehow manages to dig yet another foot past the deep dark hole that used to be the bottom of the barrel.

    3. Hmmm, funny. Because I always thought of trump as a ‘bottom’.

      OH! You mean his behavior!! Almost missed that one. 😉

    4. Friendly-Ice4288 on

      I think he has some information he stole that he’d try to bargain with. Idk his ends, to regain power or just avoid prosecution, but I think he’ll do some nuclear option/Sophie’s choice type shit.

    5. 1. I think we’ve already had a dry run of about 60 cases that they all lost for lack of evidence. A number of attorneys were fined and or suspended for bringing the cases without evidence.

      2. The courts is GA ruled we can sue to compel certification and or we can just get someone else to certify.

      3. The only reason the situation at the Capitol turned out the way it did was because Trump had the Sec Army instruct the DCNG not to respond to the Capitol 2 days prior. If they were able to respond and support the Capitol Police, that insurrection would have had a very different ending.

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