I wish I was surprised

    by Loud-Ad-2280


    1. His supporters/enablers will say “he was joking” or “it was sarcasm” (a word they don’t understand).

      Did any of you who watched that video think he was joking? Being sarcastic?

      He was serious as can be. Part of his “tough guy” persona that only really exists in his mind and those of his most moronic supporters.

    2. inagartendevito on

      A Bama game will have anyone considering The Purge.

      I did enjoy him chucking chicken chunks at them, though.

    3. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      Sweet. I’ll get a ticket to Mar A Lago.

      Also, why isn’t the media calling him out on this shit!!!

    4. iStayedAtaHolidayInn on

      We have all been predicting that trump was going to bring about the purge since 2016. He’s finally saying it out loud

    5. Psychologically, the Purge would not reduce crime. Acting on violent urges leads to more violent urges, not fewer.

    6. Actually there are lot of great movies/books to take out policies from, to bad the US government pics only dystopian scenarios. I mean it does keep people anxiety high enough to force them in to submission. You can’t really control a calm educated and thriving society

    7. These people want to elect a mentally ill man to be president. 

      And if it was a “joke” as they will likely say, you have a responsibility to not say crazy shit when you have a platform that large and elements of your fan base that have proven themselves to be violent maniacs. 

      But what does he care, right?

      Newsmax or OANN will give him a pat on the head, and Laura Loomer will Lysol his crotch and get to work all the same.

    8. Educational-Quote-22 on

      Its not quite the purge but fits in with his ” oh we are too hard on the cops just let them rough up the “thugs” *whispers*(blacks amd browns)* and us ‘normal’ Americans will be safe”

    9. irreverent_creative on

      *“A lot of bad people on both sides, that Purge movie. Bad hombres. But they never let the wrong ones, you know, they get away with it. All kinda things. The worst things. You don’t see people thinking that clearly anymore. They would say, sir, sir our numbers are perfect today. Nobody has seen such great numbers. Perfect numbers, that Purge.”*

    10. OpportunityAshamed74 on

      I tried looking this up and I saw a few articles saying that he was referring to the police here? Like he’s saying the police should be allowed to use as much violence as they want for “One rough hour” or something, which, wow.

    11. I think he has severely misjudged how many of us lefties are gun owners. I live in the deep red south surrounded by hillbillies who paint FJB and Lock up Hunter on their pick-em-ups. If you think I’m not prepared for the purge or another insurrection, you are sorely mistaken.
      ETA: my 81 year old father, who has been a democrat his whole life (and is not a gun owner) asked me what I am planning to do if Trump wins again in November. I said “well, ideally I would move out of the country, but for now I’ll just stock up on ammo.”

    12. IJustSignedUpToUp on

      Ah yes, the man who has never fired a weapon, doesn’t know how to drive a vehicle, has never camped outdoors, dodged military service during a draft, never done physical labor and doesn’t believe in physical exercise is gonna come out on top in a real life version of the Purge.

      How the fuck do these manosphere morons suck up this Kool aid from such a soft bellied shit heel?

    13. ScottyFarkas146 on

      Did …….. did he already forget that two separate people tried to kill him on two separate occasions? And he wants to allow the purge?

    14. Global-Composer3072 on

      Hannibal Lecter will rule Gilead with Lucille after the glamping purge. Is everyone starting to understand why movies and TV shows are written down into oblivion?

    15. His supporters will eat that up because they think that they’ll end up on top because they’re “alphas” or “lions”. Truth is they’ll either lock themselves in their boarded up houses, pay lots of money to get a panic room installed, or have a heart attack the first time a POC comes to their door.

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