Hand belonging to an X-ray technician at the Royal London Hospital, showing damage caused by radiation exposure, 1900.

    by Molech996


    1. The man was Clarence Dally and he went on to die from cancer:

      >Clarence Madison Dally, born in 1865, was working as an X-ray technician when X-rays were an entirely new concept.

      >At the time, people did not know the dangerous effects of massive amounts of exposure radiation on the body.

      >Repeat and excessive radiation exposure from testing lead to Clarence developing cancer and significant radiation damage to his hands and face.

      >In an effort to stop the cancer and save his life, Clarence had both his arms amputated. These efforts were unsuccessful, as Clarence later died from cancer.

      >Dally is thought to be the “first American to die from the effects of experimentation with radiation.”


    2. A pioneer. Some disregard their life/health for the betterment of future generations. I am not one of them.

    3. It’s kinda weird to me that when things were invented we just used them to the point someone got sick or died.
      “Oooh so that’s the negative effective of this” vibe. Does this still happen ? Or are we a lot more safe ?

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