The company has needs… which don’t include employees i guess.

    by GothSpite


    1. Im not asking for permission, I’m telling you I’m not going to be here during this time. Do with that what you will.

    2. Many decades ago I had moved a few states away from my family, and had found a relatively low paying job that I’d been at for about five months when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I decided that I wanted to take a week at Christmas to go see my mother, as for all I knew this might be the last Christmas I’d get to spend with her.

      My company said “no”. Apparently they needed me too much during the holiday season.

      So, I said that I wasn’t actually *asking* for the time off so much as *telling* them what was going to happen, but would I have a job when I came back? And they said no, they needed me too much to let me be away over the holiday, not seemingly understanding that “needing me” and “having me” weren’t the same things. But they would learn. I quit.

      Then in January I kept hearing ex-co-workers saying they were unhappy that I’d left. That was just prior to pretty much half the employees leaving, though. They were terrible employers\managers.

    3. For us, it is review time. One of my coworkers is pouring his heart and soul into this company. He is booked solid for the next two months. The company refuses to get him somebody to help. He just got a “doesn’t meet expectations” on his review.

      He was gutted. I fully expect him to quit in the next month or so. Man, fuck these companies.

    4. It always got me that the company’s solution to someone taking too much time off was to suspend them. Our union without fail would get them back with backpay.

    5. When i put in for pto, it’s a notice that I will not be there from x date to x date.

      It is not a request for time off. I’m making you aware.

    6. Probably sending a message to other employees. “Denied time off and try to take it anyways? You’ll get fired.”

    7. Told my boss I’d need time off because my sister is getting married in Virginia. I just had a baby in February so I used all of my PTO for leave. They said they didn’t approve it and I told them I wasn’t asking for permission I was telling them I wouldn’t be here.

    8. Yup, and they probably took that person’s workload and put it on other employees. Gotta love the logic of an employer

    9. I’m telling the company I am taking days as a courtesy. They try to say they will approve it as a power play.

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