What do I even say

    by PlatypusesOrPlatipi


    1. Friendly reminder: Elon is in Trump’s pocket. He constantly retweets Project 2025 propaganda.

      Register for voting. Voter registration ends very soon (in some states). Remind everyone you know to register. I mean, literally everyone. Just a small mention within small talk.

      Because under Project 2025, November vote can be the last vote in your life. 


    2. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      Years after this, he will still be wearing this shit, even after Tesla tanks because of him. Karma is a patient bitch.

    3. RealUltimatePapo on

      The guy who admires dictators and “strongmen”, is the saviour of democracy

      I su​ppose Elo​n also thinks Satan would ​be a good saviour of the Arctic

    4. Internal_Second_8207 on

      This will be Elons last election he can vote in for sure. Bring on the felon hate speech and domestic terrorists charges!!

    5. Let me translate that: Trumps $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut for billionaires was super yummy. I can’t wait to elect him again so he can cut even more of my taxes.

    6. Sure_Garbage_2119 on

      so, all those dozens of millions magas qnuts are just “very few”?

      wow, snob those trump suckers, leon!

    7. Traditional_Key_763 on

      very few americans realize this because even with 45% of this country being insane, they’re not this insane.

    8. Professional_Ad894 on

      The deportation of 20+ million people will look exactly like camps in Nazi Germany as we round them up. I don’t think Trump will do it, because he’s always promising extravagant things and never doing them such as: the wall with Mexico paying for it, pulling out the troops, fixing healthcare etc…. hell, he never even gave an idea of how he was going to pull any of it off.

    9. thesqrtofminusone on

      So disgusting and disappointing that someone in his position is such a toxic shit for brains asshole.

    10. Doesn’t Trump claim it to be the other way around? Didn’t he state if he wins this election we’ll never have to vote again?

    11. AKA, If Trump is not elected Elmo’s free government handouts might stop.

      Just remember this twat never means what he says. There’s always a secret self serving reason.

    12. Only one candidate has said “you only need to vote this time and then you’ll never have to vote again”

      Hint: it wasn’t Kamala

    13. I hope he shits his pants.

      The amount of dick sucking that this guy does for Trump is astonishing. Either Trump has something on this guy or he’s a rich psychopath who is bored. ..or both

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