stupid, braindead, “they voted red so they deserve it” takes

    by h0lych4in


    1. I was just watching a video of some dude explaining how rural Appalachia can not afford to have a disaster like this happen and how most towns won’t be rebuilt and all the comments are like “So now you want socialism” or “Welfare for me but not for thee haha you get what you vote for”

      like god damn, I know political tensions are high but there is no way to even know how these people voted from their pleas for help.

    2. My brother is black liberal in Asheville. Has a wife and kid. They vote correctly every time.

      They have to collect water from a crick. They’ll vote correctly next time, too.

    3. I think there’s a difference between demonizing the south and rightly being angry at people who ruin the South and the North and the east and the West by voting in Republicans. 

      Not to mention how the right constantly demonizes and vilifies cities and urban centers with their ignorant racist dogshit. 

      Or the thoughts and prayers they barely even give lip service to anymore when some right wing fucknut decides to take their arsenal to a school and start murdering people. 

      Fuck their feelings.

    4. I think a world exists where we show empathy and remind folks what’s at stake.

      It’s the same when a(nother) mass shooting happens. We can’t sit idly by and wait until it’s appropriate to bring it up.

      Show empathy for the individuals. Urge the groups to vote like their lives depend on it. Because they do.

    5. Towns and homes destroyed, lives lost, injuries. It’s a mess down here, we’re expected to be without power til Friday.

      We band together and help one another, someone in the nearby town is offering to cook everyone’s food before it spoils, others that got power back are offering people to come charge their phones. People giving out meals all over for free, some people helping only ask to bring tables or bread but it’s not required.

      People are patrolling for trees and helping clear roads on their own time and will.

      There are for sure assholes in the south that deserve misery but those of us that are normal people will keep going no matter what, and if ignorant dipshits from outside who only have their close minded views of the south wanna be POS out loud let em. Plenty of good people here of all races, backgrounds, religions, etc that look after one another to make up for them.

    6. TheRuralJuror118 on

      I want to move out the south so bad but I stay because I have friends and a family here. With each generation it becomes more and more blue and that’s why I stay hopeful. If we all just up and left it would be hell here.

    7. How about how the people in the South constantly demonize and talk shit about the “liberals from coastal elite cities”? You see those MFers making jokes and laughing about California wildfires.

      It’s a two way street.

    8. Just when disasters happen?

      I live in New England and they do that shit like every day like it’s a competition.

      It’s why they will love something like fried okra if you call it soul food, but turn their nose up if it’s “southern”.

    9. I think you hear that because you’re online.

      I think most people irl would be concerned and some may offer to help even if that’s monetary. I know some local firefighters from my state are traveling down to FL, if they haven’t already been there.

      Like with Texas when the power lines were down. Linemen from the North went to Texas to help.

      So all isn’t lost. 

    10. BooBootheFool22222 on

      There’s black people in the south. That’s what bugs me out when people wish I’ll upon the south. If they suffer, we get it 10 times worse.

    11. I’m gonna be honest, Statistically more people in red states either voted red or didn’t vote for whatever reason so yeah it kinda sits on them.

      I live in a red state it sucks but it’s the truth. Most people are either complacent or voting against reality.

    12. Glittering_Ad_3806 on

      Demonizing the people is wrong. But calling out politicians who redirect funds meant for disasters, infrastructure, and health services are all on the table.

    13. People forget that plenty of voters in “red states” vote blue. Sometimes more than half – thanks gerrymandering!

      And regardless, no one deserves this.

    14. What I hate the most is people seem to forget that the victims of the bigotry,racism,etc that they accuse the south of are still living there. Its crazy to see people equate living in a southern state to being a far right lunatic when some of us are literally stuck here? What I’m guilty by association because my parents birthed me here? Fuck out of here with that non sense.

    15. Nah. I live in the south and concur that Republicans absolutely do invoke the Wrath of God at every turn.

      Plus, it’s not like they’re prioritizing the well-being of our planet anyway, so even if we cut the jokes, these recurring natural disasters are unironically on them.

    16. Y’all letting politics divide us…as usual. Understandable especially, with how the right typically is.

    17. Nobody in Asheville voted red. Lots of people in the surrounding area sure did but I would wager that out of everyone affected this weekend the majority were liberal. Because the majority of Americans are reasonable decent people. There’s just a whole bunch of assholes ruining it for others

    18. the storm has apparently been the cause of 60 deaths. yeah a lot of people in the south are assholes but no one fucking deserves it just because some people are voting like shit.

      there are plenty of people in the south that don’t vote that way who are suffering. anyone saying “yeah well they voted red so lol” is a fucking asshole.

      have some compassion and clown on them for stuff they can control, there is SO MUCH more material you can use instead of the damn storm.

    19. The electoral college and county maps make people think the South is a monolith. Over 5 million people in Texas voted for Biden. 5 million in Florida. 1.1 million in Tennessee. 1 million in South Carolina.

      Sure it’s less than 50% in those states, but still a crap ton of people.

    20. I wish ill upon no one, nobody deserves this, but god damn if it’s not frustrating, tiring, and extremely demoralizing to watch people act against their interests, get hit by consequences and then double down on their BS

    21. Yeah, uh… I’ve seen video of a republicans saying that Asheville deserves the flood and the death and destruction because they’re a more liberal city than the rest of NC.

      So, y’know… F ‘em.

    22. i live in georgia, and i agree with the sentiment overall for sure; the internet is making people lose touch with their humanity and empathy. at the same time i do think there’s a discussion to be had about these states repeatedly voting for elected officials who deny the science about climate change and gut all funding for social services that would help people in times of crisis.

      i visited my mom in south carolina today and it was depressing to see how the government does absolutely nothing for the residents when shit goes left. so many helpless people just totally on their own

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