So true.

    by Bitter-Gur-4613


    1. Effective_Play_1366 on

      I own a bunch of MK-47s as well. I’d show you but I keep them at my grandma’s house so I dont have them here now, but I do have lots of them.

    2. He’s an expert on tiny guns, 👐

      Stormy can confirm his is indeed very tiny and he doesn’t know how to use it.

    3. “I’m an expert on guns , believe me, I love MK-47s, AKs, guns that go pew pew, bang bang! Just like in those loony toon cartoons!”

    4. I just want someone to explain to me why they would support a man who lies almost constantly to them and doesn’t respect their intelligence enough to even make them convincing lies.

    5. Wife: “Is that the omnicidal robot from your star wars game.”

      Me “No, but it is so hot you are trying to quote expanded canon old republic star wars lore to me.”

      It’s Hk-47 for those asking from KoTOR 1 and 2.

    6. I’ve just noticed that Trump has just always said that he’s an expert on a subject without divulging any of that supposed knowledge

    7. AK- 45. They made it for me! Do now I am trying to get an AK- 47. They said they have one already, but I know guns and I know it doesn’t exist yet. Putin needs to make me an AK-47
      I know better than anyone

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