Enough said, it’s a cult

    by ModeratedModerator


    1. His base is truly sick in the head it seems. 🫤

      Why would those idiots vote against their own interests? He only cares about himself and supports the wealthy.

    2. The cognitive dissonance required to write “King” two spaces away from an American flag is truly awesome.

    3. Too bad the incels running that sub don’t know anything about US history. The very nature of this country is that there *can* be no king.

    4. Holiday_Horse3100 on

      MAGA needs to be careful what they wish for. He throws everyone under the bus sooner or later

    5. That twat would have no chance here. The UK has its own Trump in Farage. Only reason he got votes is he has a pint. Trumps teetotal because if he drank he risks letting slip is pedo behaviour. Same as Jimmy Saville. Didn’t drink so he never risked saying something and he never missed the chance to rape a child.

    6. Reasonable-HB678 on

      A conclusion I’ve come to since August 2019. Trump watching a chorus of rally attendees in Minnesota shouting “send her back”. I don’t remember the exact location, but Rep. Ilhan Omar, born in Somalia, probably was the focus.

    7. Pretty sure you Americans had a wee war over this a while back?.

      I’m sure we can pool together like good communists and send you some more tea to kick start a new revolution.

    8. How is this election even going to be close? How do we have so many people buying into his bullsh*t??

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