President George H.W. Bush’s Transition Letter to President Bill Clinton (1993)

    by Rodrik007


    1. As a reference:

      In 2020 Trump didn’t call Biden and refused to concede. He also forbid his senior officials from cooperation with Biden’s transition team.

    2. This is so above some people.

      Trump really is such an ignoramus…. he doesn’t know shit about fuck.

    3. Embarrassed_Art5414 on

      Was no fan of ole man Bush’s policies, but gotta respect that letter.

      To paraphrase Michael Che….I miss the days when, if I was walking down the street, and someone screamed “did you hear what the President said????”…..I could say “of course not!”

    4. Trump is such a dotard. Most former presidents wish the best for our country. Donald Trump places blame on everyone involved in the election process and whines for the next 4 years.

    5. This is when both parties knew they were all on the same side.

      Now it’s portrayed as a choice between Hitler and Hitler…maybe it will calm down when this whole political generation is gone and we all realise that media is in it for views not for us.

    6. OreoSpeedwaggon on

      Back when most politicians had class despite their ideological differences. I didn’t like George Bush as a president, but by all accounts that I’ve read and from family members that have met him and Barbara personally, they were both decent individuals.

    7. I’m sure Trump did something similar for Biden. Just Googled it and he did. His letter said, “Fuck if and die, you cheating bastard.” What a gentleman!

    8. ButterscotchEmpty290 on

      Because George HW Bush was a decent individual who did believe in the rule of law.

      He wasn’t perfect, but he was sincere.

    9. This sort of professional maturity ended on 2016. Obama was gracious to Trump in the tradition of the Office of President and the Constitution. Trump… not so much

    10. Who stole all the “W”s off all the keyboards in the White House?

      Honestly, a pretty solid frat house prank. But last I checked, nobody has rushed the White House.

    11. Old man Bush was a scoundrel of the worst kind. Yeah he had decorum, but Trump is a rank amateur in skuddugery compared to HW Bush. Dude was honestly, a monster. All the darkness now, even the rise of Trump and fascism can be traced back to HW Bush. He was the architect of evil. Trump is an example of ehat can happen after setting things in motion that eventually come back to bite you in the ass. We’re all going to (possibly) be eaten by the hate machine Bush built.

    12. It is sad that we have to say “remember when?”, when it comes to political civility and when Presidents could handle losing the election with poise and dignity – rather than crying that the election was rigged and trying to start a civil war.

    13. SnooMacarons1185 on

      You wonder if the stain and stench of Trump will ever leave this country and if we can ever return to nobler and more dignified times.

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