We should probably nuke it

    by Mr__O__


    1. For many years to come, scientists will try to analyze the era of Trump…and they will have a blast.

    2. For the life of me I just can’t understand how people think he’s this genius and a born leader when he says sh*t like this ALL the time. 🤦‍♀️

    3. How wet is it from the standpoint of air, fire or earth though? Science is still searching for that answer.

    4. “Also winds. Some people are concerned about the water. Some people are concerned about the winds. I talk about both of them. They say ‘Mr. President, a lot people can’t talk about both the waters and the winds. What makes you such a stable genius that you can do it.’ They say ‘Shagala can’t talk about the water and the winds.’ Low IQ individual. I said What if we nuke the hurricane. They are now researching that. Why are you leaving the rally? Please come back.”

    5. In 2000 I was appalled at how idiotic Bush sounded in his state of the union address. Little did I know…

    6. Professional_Ad894 on

      He recommended drinking bleach to clean your insides of covid, so this is pretty tame. I mean, hurricanes do be wet, yo.

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