Florida Gestapo

    by saveyourtissues


    1. My daughter, who attended a small baptist high school in MO, played against a trans girl from a public high school in a basketball game a season ago. There was no issue. The kid had no advantage and was honestly one of the worst players on the other team. The idea that “alpha” type males are pretending to be girls to get an advantage and dominate girls is kinda silly.

    2. Homecoming queen and class president. The kids are alright. Now these “grown up” conservatives? Not alright.

    3. Here I am thinking “hey, maybe we could come up with some objective ranking criteria independent of sex and whatnot and we could have people of similar ability levels playing together instead of this “YOU PLAY OVER HERE IF YOU HAVE A PENIS” business that clearly doesn’t work.

    4. Anxious-Raspberry-54 on

      I teach in the NE USA. This breaks my heart.

      I have a pride poster on my classroom door.

      LGBTQ+ couples at our prom.

      I call kids by whatever name/pronoun they want.

      We get updates from guidance about names/pronouns for kids.

      Three openly gay faculty.

      It’s like a different country.

      Be strong, my colleagues in FL…and everywhere else humans are not allowed to be who they want to be!! ❤️

    5. NotThoseCookies on

      As hellbent as coaches and parents are about winning, you’d think they’d want good players regardless of their gender-assigned-at-birth. 🙄

    6. For reference:

      >Until recently, Norton had worked at the high school Elizabeth attended. But last fall, an armed officer with the Broward County Public Schools Police had told Norton she was under investigation for allowing Elizabeth to play girls sports. District leaders banned Norton from the building. They discussed the investigation on the local news, and soon, everyone in Coconut Creek seemed to know Elizabeth is transgender. (Norton asked The Washington Post to use the child’s middle name to protect her privacy.)

    7. I’ve said for a while that one of these regressive states is going to straight up start executing trans people and Florida is near the top of the list of candidates to try and pull that kind of heinous shit.

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