
    by Comfortable-Map6282


    1. This is almost perfect, but it should say ”… thoroughly researched writing extravaganza.”

    2. I see a tired, aggravated teacher on her 10th hour of reading dull papers seeing that openener and just being delighted at something fresh!

    3. Invisible-Pancreas on

      I think my Uni lecturer would describe that as “eye-catching” and “a strong introduction”, but would advise that the OP include a quotation with a proper Harvard APA reference included in the footnotes.

    4. Annual_Host_1458 on

      Honestly I wouldn’t even take points off for it, especially if the rest was good. But I would write a note along the lines of ‘Forget something before turning this in?’

    5. ResponsibleBank1387 on

      As a  TA, when we graded papers, it was hard to read thru every page, so we didn’t. This paper I would have read completely just to be entertained.  
      Don’t worry too much. 

    6. Haha I once sent in an accounting paper with a picture of a massive pickle and a moon on the front page… tired and delirious I had decided to make the whole Company A thing more interesting and give it a back story of being a pickle factory on the moon then got a bit too excited about the story line and added pictures

    7. Bot. At the time of this comment, it is 140 days old and has made one new post every day.

      Also, look at the date in the paper: it’s from 2017.

    8. Actually, depending on your professor/teacher, they might really appreciate this. My sophomore year English professor would LOVE this. Papers can be really tedious to read. This is fun and will probably be a refreshing read.

    9. It’s almost like you can type in anything you want, screen shot it, and claim you sent it to somebody! Could this happen? Absolutely. Did it happen in this case? I highly doubt it. Once the culture of “outrageous things/ events/occurences = attention” took root in the modern world, the curated “reality” of 95% of the “crazy” video and text posts you see these days became the norm.

    10. I think you might be onto something here! At the very least it ought to break up the monotony of what they usually have to drudge through.

    11. I teach at a college and I have had students submit stuff like this. As long as the voice is original and the work is solid, you have nothing to worry about. Unless you’re at a conservative or religious college, or your professor is a prude.

    12. For 11 years I graded papers – lots of papers and some even on this book. Personally, for a college student I’d overlook this and grade on the paper and content. For a high school student I’d probably talk to them about appropriateness, and have them rewrite the intro. Good luck, I hope you picked a good prof.

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