Ngl, kinda weird how people joke about stuff like this

    by RedWarrior42


    1. Met a dude in the back of a cemetery yesterday. Thought he was just being nice sharing his weed and alcohol. Turns out he just wanted to suck my dick. Diddys are everywhere.

    2. ThatIndianGuy7116 on

      It’s been incredibly weird to me. I noticed it especially on my Facebook page. The same dudes talking about how mens mental health doesn’t get taken seriously and how cases of rape where the man is the victim are not taken seriously are currently the same dudes making jokes about Justin Bieber, Meek Mill, etc all getting taken advantage of. I asked one of them why they thought it was ok to joke about it and basically he told me that they “knew what they were getting into”.

    3. Even using the word “diddle” kinda dismisses the severity of the subject. It’s a super touchy situation, and it can be hard for people to have a serious conversation about it. Humans often laugh at horrible things because we don’t know how else to process them. The best thing we can do is continue to talk about things as openly as we can and try to politely explain to people how making jokes can be extremely hurtful to victims

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