And while you’re at it, please tell me everything Pence accomplished in office outside of January 6….

    by DoctorBeef34


    1. Mcboatface3sghost on

      I had no idea that couches could start shaking and sweating? My recliner had a massage option and heat, but I was too embarrassed to use it. I hope it’s doing ok, gave it to my nephew when he got his first college house after the dorms. (Wait a sec…. Oh shit)

    2. Nopantsbullmoose on

      See, shit like this is why we need at least a high school civics exam before you’re allowed to assume any office.

      Id say “before you can vote”, but that would disenfranchise like 3/4th of the voters. So for now let’s just require a passing grade (75%) to hold office. Oh and it’s a one-off. You get one shot at the test, and can retake in two years run for office again.

    3. Tell me you have no fucking clue about the job you are applying for, without telling me you have no fucking clue …

    4. superawesomefiles on

      He is either too stupid to hold public office, or is so disingenuous that nothing he says should be taken seriously.

      Either way, unfit.

    5. Totally crazy thought; but maybe our system of government is designed so that the president or vice president can’t just force legislation into effect with a snap of their fingers. In his defense though the guy who hired him is very openly trying to change that in spite of having no knowledge of a 800 page document that proposes doing exactly that.

    6. US Senator need to take civics and government class to understand how government works.


    7. I love how since Kamala has been running Republicans think the Vice President magically has the power to override the President and Congress and fix everything.

    8. It is crystal clear that the republican candidates for president and vice president are clueless about what powers the vice president has under the constitution. They seem to believe the vice president is the one who can draft and pass legislation. They also seem to believe the vice president can act against the constitution to overturn an election against the will of the American people. These are dangerously ignorant beliefs.

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