House has been for sale for awhile and now they’ve added this sign.

    by bzzi


    1. In Indiana if a house is said to be haunted and the owner and realtor know it, they have to tell the prospective buyers by state law.

    2. -Control-Alt-Defeat- on

      Haunting are not real, so I would definitely buy a “haunted” house for a significant discount.

      However there would need to be some serious inspections at every level from every trade before I buy.

      Guaranteed the “haunting” Is some building defect or unsafe building practice. Gas leak, lead pipes/paint, etc.

    3. This ‘Not Haunted’ sign sure seems to be raising a lot of questions answered by the ‘Not Haunted’ sign

    4. independent_observe on

      Wouldn’t you want to advertise it is haunted? You don’t want prospective clients to come in, the walls are bleeding and a voice says “GET OUT!”, so they get out.

      You want clients that say, “Oh, that adds character, let’s buy it”

    5. I grew up in Bisbee Arizona, and one of the things you have to do when you sell your house is declare in the sales paperwork, if it’s haunted or not.

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