A photo of a fully restored WWII Panzer V tank being removed from the basement of an 84-year-old German man

    by AdSpecialist6598


    1. He is 84 yrs old like bruh just let him die with his memorabilias and then take the tank after.

    2. In the back I also see a 12 or 18 cylinder airplane or tank engine, and the nazi eagles left and right of the opening to the street…
      Illegal to possess in Germany

    3. I remember reading about it. I don’t remember if it was an operational tank, but it is super interesting.

    4. Royal_Dream6367 on

      After nursing the tank back to full restoration, but will have separation anxiety after becoming so dependent on him. Poor Panzer.

    5. RadiantApplication62 on

      Have seen a Tiger tank being found in a cellar of a abondened mansion. The explorers was shaking their heads over the find and concluded that someone must have put it together in that large cellar or once built the cellar around the Tiger tank. They also found some really old cars who was really expensive today but still no clue to how they ended up there.

    6. Sir_Henry_Deadman on

      Isn’t this from that man who had a tonne of active nazi military equipment and ammo and items hidden

    7. My parents had a house in the Loire valley in France and locally there was a story about a guy and his dad who buried German tank on their farm. After several years had passed they built a house over the spot and then proceeded to excavate a basement around the tank, leaving the tank completely entombed in the basement. I never met anyone who’d seen it first hand but it was possible.

    8. When asked about why he kept the tank the man in question just spoke about his sponsor: World of Tanks.

    9. Praetorian_1975 on

      Halo, jaa my heating doesn’t work, zee tank it’s in the basement it’s 60 years old 😂

    10. From what I know this guy restored everything himself. The German authorities took pretty much everything and donated it to a donor who already had a couple hundred million in the bank.

    11. Let the man keep the tank, it’s not like he is going to invade Poland again with an old tank and no ammo

    12. Potential_Wish4943 on

      The Mayor and entire town knew about it. Apperently back in the 1970s he would just bomb around in it during bad winter storms and deliver supplies to people.

    13. Dog_nappers_hun_x on

      He got it one piece at a time
      And a didn’t cost him a dime
      You’ll know it’s him when he comes through your town!

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