Thought Covid was a hoax though…

    by Mr__O__


    1. Her son stopped calling years before he died, I imagine. I’m sure she still can’t understand why.

    2. So they’re kinda insinuating that the vaccine might have helped…but they’re still voting for Trump. Because fuck it?

    3. Imagine unknowingly being on your deathbed, and your mother constantly sending you Trump + Fauci articles. Safe to say he’s in a better place.

    4. What a strange thing to brag about like why are those two things correlated in your mind as short material?

    5. Translates to: I am a hateful old woman who loves my cult of Trump more than my family or my country.

    6. OkNefariousness324 on

      Not sure I’d be wearing a “I didn’t care a fuck for my son” t-shirt but ok granny

    7. Absolutely repulsive. Imagine being so proud of voting for that shit stain and not giving a single fuck about losing your son to the virus that TRUMP MISHANDLED. Just despicable

    8. Covid was just the name of the flu strain that season. To clarify this isn’t misinformation as I’m talking about covid and nor covid-19

    9. My son used to letter my sweatshirt statements, so now I have to do that myself and they are so sloppy.

    10. It’s a good thing Trump added 8 trillion to the deficit while claiming it was a hoax while getting the vaccine for himself. So glad he killed over a million Americans, even if a majority came from red states. Some came from blue states!! What a beautiful act from god and our savior Donnie

    11. Remember when the orange man was president and caught the disease and got the best medical treatment available in our two tiered system while your son was on his way out with likely worse treatment and an obviously worse outcome? No?

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