Sorry Rome, you had your time.💯

    by Damiancarmine14


    1. doesnothingtohirt on

      English is hard to learn because it is nothing more the just a common trade tongue made of all languages.

    2. Because the person who made the meme speaks English? I mean, you could make this meme in Swahili.

    3. Mysterious_Silver_27 on

      Yeah but maybe “How often do you think about the British Empire?” wouldn’t have work as well as “How often do you think about the Roman Empire?” meme.

    4. Looks at my calendar

      The year 2024 AD…those followers of Jesus did pretty well

      The days of the week Mani’s day, Tyrs day, Odin’s day, Thor’s day, and Frigg’s day… Those Norse people did pretty well

      Looks at the months with random number of days… Stupid Roman emperors naming months after themselves

    5. Gold-Bicycle-3834 on

      Yeah but then the English eat beans on toast. Also, most places show English as an option next to an American flag. Js.

    6. You speak English, because that’s the only language you know. I speak English because it is the only language you know. We are not the same.

    7. Zero_the_wanderer on

      People spoke Latin as a common tongue for more than a thousand years after Rome fell. Let’s see if English lasts longer

    8. What’s English? Is it some dead language? All I see here is AMERICAN 🇺🇸🚀🇺🇸💥🫡

    9. Firstly – as others mentioned, you are using their alphabet.

      Secondly – Latin has been used as a primary langauge in many things (religion, official texts, books etc) in Europe for far longer than English has, and in certain scientific fields it is still the main language for things like names.

      The one thing that we can definitely give to English is how far spread it is. Latin was primarily focused around Europe, whereas English is a lot more global.

    10. It’s really because the British colonists in America gained independence and subsequently became a world wide super power.

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