You aren’t very smart, Elon, are u?

    by AapkyaPyaraJaanu


    1. AapkyaPyaraJaanu on

      That’s right Elon, get these Woke liberals, I mean definitely the great Elon musk will never do something even a tiny bit similar like this, right??

    2. Oh the irony that there’s an army of right-wing millionaires & billionaires out there whose chef complaint is that George Soros exists.

    3. Perhaps we need to recompute at what approximate wealth level all semblance of intelligence towards humanity and enlightenment is lost, or is it a surgical procedure done in secret?

      Like a charisma bypass …

      Then we could try to predict the next wave of general assholes.

      Lastly fElon, you still think it was terrific when you were referenced by ST: discovery in an episode? The jokes on you. The character who idolozed you was eventually found to be a

    4. kids born after 2000 ” what is a radio ”

      They can get rid of AM/FM stations any day I haven’t listened to analog since 2004. I’ve always played my mp3 player or streamed

    5. What kind of oligarch wields his wealth to purchase media outreach?

      Pretty much every one. Before it became trendy for the elite oligarchs to inspire people by buying missions into space, the thing to do for over a century was to control the media.

      Why? To make sure people are in awe of their power and influence, every time. And sometimes for goals beyond that.

    6. It’s hypocrisy and deflection, but not irony or a lack of self-awareness. He knows very well that he is doing the same thing, and that he probably provoked Soros’s action. But in his mind, the Soros news just further justifies the public opinion-shaping that he’s attempting to achieve with Twitter/X. He’s saying “don’t look at me; look over there—*that* guy is trying to influence you”.

    7. Professional_Ad894 on

      I think underestimating Elon’s intelligence and how nefarious he can be is incredibly dangerous. He’s undeniably very smart in certain aspects and very good at capitalism, he’s just autistic and can’t read the room.

    8. Jgfranco88PkmnGo on

      Everything this man posts is always reposted. Whatever dumb thing he posts makes the rounds in Reddit and other social media sites for weeks. It’s almost like he writes a lot of this dumb shit (whether he believes in it or not) because people give him the attention he wants. You’ve all seen that Tree House of Horrors The Simpsons episode where the advertisements come to life, just don’t look you fucks!!!

    9. Where I live, it’s obvious the jesus cult has bought a majority of radio stations in my area. Then blast Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck on a couple of those channels.

    10. I love when people act like all major US media outlets don’t exist in order to spew corporate propaganda. It’s just a problem when the corporate interests align with “woke ideology” or “republican fascism” (or whatever the culture war buzzwords of the year are)

    11. ProfessorWormtail on

      everyone have freedom of voice , but I am getting only tweets of elon musk from this sub too often . its feels same and same .

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