69,420 Redditors have achieved a 200 day streak

    by squidgytree


    1. Gregorygregory888888 on

      Are most Redditors using cell phones to connect? If so I would think this number would be an easy number to hit. I only use my laptop and have never tried on the cell. I would think it would be a pain to use but maybe not.

    2. 3752 have the 300 day streak, is not as nice a number, but it does seem like an interesting orgy position

    3. I was at 97 days when harvest came a couple of weeks ago. Forgot about reddit for a day or two and never received my 100 badge 🤷‍♂️

    4. I’m on my way guys! This will be my 39th achievement, and besides 3 more streak achievements their will be only 2 more left. You know which ones.

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