Healthy meals aren’t within everyone’s budget.

    by Troy-Tyler


    1. The meals on the right cost a whole lot more than the one on the left and if you buy organic food, it’s even worse. 😦

    2. I guarantee the Starbucks doesn’t strengthen this argument. 😂 That money could cover half the items on the right.

    3. Penchantfortoes on

      Feel guilty! Feel guilty!

      You should feel terrible about your choices, you’ll never be good enough! Unless you’re perfect you’re a terrible person!!!

    4. The meals on the right fill you up. You gotta eat more of the meals on the left to get the same feeling which is more money and more calories.

    5. OregonMothafaquer on

      lol I saw someone saying a daycare would be shutdown in their European countries if they made frozen meatballs and fries for lunch. It’s completely backwards how expensive it is to eat healthy in the United States.

    6. The right one is a full day of food. The left one is like one meal realistically. So comparing price is not so useful realistically

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