nO tRaP

    by statistacktic


    1. When his brain glitches and he repeats one word ten times in a screed you know a button has been pushed in his reptilian brain. This dude is really easy to read and manipulate, no wonder Putin became fully erect when he met him.

    2. The way that account trolls him cracks me up. You know he gets enraged every time they send out a message

    3. dude is still maundering on about crowd sizes weeks later. he walked right into the trap and has never found his way back out. jeepers this is like being stuck in an interminable T-giving dinner with the world’s worst senile old Nazi uncle who won’t shut up.

    4. He thinks he’s playing chess but really he’s a dog who eats half the pieces and shits all over the board.

    5. Fast_Vehicle_1888 on

      She made fun of his crowd sizes and 90 seconds later he’s yelling about immigrants eating dogs and cats. He jumped into the trap.

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