
    by West-Chapter-4925


    1. DumplingTwinkle on

      Billionaires vote overwhelmingly for the Republican Party, because it is the soft-on-white collar crime party.

    2. Herlander_Carvalho on

      **Michael Flynn, George Santos, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone…**

      No other comes up to mind right now, but I’m sure we can make this list YUGE!!!


    3. Shouldn’t Trump be complaining that X/Musk is committing election fraud by disparaging Harris and praising Trump?

      Oh, right.

      That only applies when Trump is the one being criticized.

    4. Normal-Caramel-7133 on

      Yeah, Elon is right… not of those hard-ass felons would ever be a Right Wing douchebag. In conceivable. /S

    5. GazeNumbah_One_Lovah on

      If a felon can run for the highest office in the country, every felon should be allowed to vote.

    6. I would want that removed because if there’s an incentive to arrest people to rig elections, then someone will definitely do just that. If you believe in freedom then you should believe in checks and balances on those who have power, and not to have laws that incentivize wrongdoing or corruption.

      This kind of thing is central to Jim Crow style laws, which are selectively applied and enforced to target racial minorities, and the very thing that systems like Apartheid, which Elon Musk grew up in, were base on.

    7. No I want to tell him to shut the fuck up, loudly, maybe with some sort of reverb, out of speakers right next to his pillow every time he wakes up.

    8. TheMizuMustFlow on

      Guys he said it’s a fact not conjecture so he’s obviously correct. /s

      (Just because you say it’s a fact doesn’t make it a fact, Elon.)

    9. wanna_escape_123 on

      I mean, they are allowing a felon to contest election and that seems pretty far fetched to me even from an objective angle.

    10. And to think this MF has some sort of a security clearance and able to hold on to his government contracts….

      It should have all ended when he confirmed he talked to Putin…🤷‍♂️

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