I wonder what other tiny things Trump will blame on Kamala

    by korbentulsa


    1. Joe Biden’s debate performance pales in comparison to what this brain scrambled old man spews on the reg.

    2. dragonfliesloveme on

      Hahahaha 🤣😂😁

      That is fkn hilarious. This guy is a fkn stooge 😅

      Also: no timestamp on the tweet, but it reminds me of the Savannah kerfluffle. I live here and I’m telling you, he got the theatre and not the arena (that Kamala had, a 10,000 seat arena that was filled to the rafters).

      He got the 2500 seat arena, of his own choosing.

      Lol. She’s right, he’s boring 😴


    3. The new DJT game show, “The Blame Game”! Airing only on Truth Social. Only the bigliest ratings!

    4. SolarBoytoyDjango on

      It’s even more pathetic when you realize that this is the lie Trump’s coddlers told him to get him over another tantrum.

    5. The truth is that the fascist pig probably couldn’t draw a big enough audience or wasn’t willing to pay for a larger space, since he is now being forced to pay for things upfront. Seems he owes a lot of people a lot of money for areas that he rented out and never paid for. Most untrustworthy man in America.

    6. Edge_of_yesterday on

      Is Kamala the Secret Service Czar now? lol. Whats next, will she be the “spray tan Czar?” to explain his bad makeup? lol

    7. That one comment, that one sly remark from Harris at the debate absolutely struck him so hard he’s still whining about it. He is such a thin-skinned limp-dick sulking loser

    8. Damn, it’s really shocking to see a vice president using the wide breadth of their many powers to keep Donald Trump in danger.

    9. not_productive1 on

      Putting aside the absolute absurdity of the idea that Kamala is in any way in charge of this, he makes it sound like…she wouldn’t let him get himself shot at an impromptu rally in a field? Also, how far in advance does he think people are booking venues for him?

      He is fuckin ON ONE today. I wonder what bad news he got.

    10. He absolutely did not type that message. Including a link with all of that is way too “modern” and sensical for his ranting.

    11. Maybe, and this is just a thought, he should pay for HIS OWN protection considering he’s a “billionaire” and he keeps bitching about his protection.

    12. So Trump is taking orders from Kamala?

      Maybe she should order him to go on a prolonged golfing vacation in Saudi Arabia.

    13. RoamingStarDust on

      I don’t know why, but after reading this tweet, it finally hit me. Like, whoa, there’s a presidential candidate that bitches and cries all over the internet like a two year old every fucking day.

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