Found a photo today of my girlfriend and I 9 years before we ever met and new each other. 2nd photo for us now ( ^ω^)

    by MrGray2016


    1. For clarification, shes on the beast of burden while im in the jeans on the railing (≧ω≦。)

    2. Beautiful! Really nice to discover something like that, isn’t it?

      In case you don’t know, Thomas Mann when he gew up used to have a painting of his wife in the dining room or living room (forgot which one) of the house. They lived about 800 km apart at the time of the childhood. However his parents had bought a painting that showed three children (I believe), and one of those was his future wife. When he visited his (future) wife’s parents after his (future) wife and him had met and gotten to know each other in Munich, he saw a similar painting there of those three children. That’s when he found out one of them was his wife.

      It’s been a long time since I read this story so details might be wrong. But your picture reminded me of it.

    3. My brother and his then-gf had similar photos where they would randomly end up at the same local events.

      It didn’t last, but the photos were really cool. There were at least 4 there where one of them was in the background of the other’s photo.

    4. Lol – recognized this immediately as a Monrovia street fair. Was just there a few weeks ago and it looks exactly the same

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