The far-right sure do come real close to getting it sometimes…

    by guitarguy12341


    1. If it weren’t for the constant barrage of propaganda we would realize we all have way more in common with each other than the handful of people running everything.

    2. “Public Healthcare could never work here.”

      Yeah, because what we’ve got is working ao well…

    3. Oh man, if only there was *something* that could be done about this.

      Ah well guess not.

      – That guy probably

    4. IndependentTalk4413 on

      Fell and dislocated my shoulder. Went to the ER. X-rays, then 2 doctors and 2 nurses to put it back in place. IV painkiller, immobilization sling in recovery for 4hrs. Physio therapy for a couple months to strength my shoulder up again.

      Cost me $7 in parking and $4 for chocolate bars for my wife to stress eat while she was waiting. But remember universal medical like we have in Canada costs way too much and you’ll wait 20 years to see a doctor.

      Keep propping up that for profit system y’all got.

    5. If we would go to a single payer system and add a tax like we have for social security we would all save money. One current example watch Bernie questioning the CEO of the company who makes Ozempic. Basically we pay more because no company in America has enough clout to negotiate like other countries can. We would pay less and get better healthcare

    6. Ask for an itemized bill. If you offer cash and it drops by 14 grand, its a scam, pure and simple.

      That its a protected scam is largely besides the point.

      How the American citizenry have allowed this to happen, I don’t know.

    7. ATXDefenseAttorney on

      Well, see, it doesn’t. And that’s why no OTHER first world country does it.

      Maybe we’re not first world after all.

    8. ResponsibleBank1387 on

      The original high price is the norm… it is to scare everyone into believing they have to have insurance.  
      Normally, the cash price is more than the insurance price. after haggling and sent to collections, then the payment price is reduced. 

    9. I’m probably going to get flamed, but I have a legit question here.

      If medicine were socialized and the current profit structure removed, how do you prevent the loss of interest in medical professions as it would now be less or maybe even not profitable at all once school is factored in?

      Maybe an illegitimate concern, but it could be a valid negative effect.

    10. Maybe if they spent more time trying to improve the system as opposed to milking it it would be better

    11. And boomers wonder why people think America is a joke. We’re literally just a bunch of pay piggies for a handful of corporations at this point.

    12. Responsible-End7361 on

      Remember, the cost other nations pay to cover everyone is roughly what the government pays for just Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA.

      Or to put it another way, the money paid by employers, plus your out of pocket premiums, plus your copays and other payments to the doctor all go to profits and bureaucracy because of our crappy system.

      What comes out of your pockets pays for paperwork, not doctors or nurses.

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