When you think he cant get any weirder, he steps it up a notch. “You have never seen a body so beautiful. Much better than sleepy Joe.”

    by Jlx_27


    1. Donald Trump lives in a beach-side resort in Florida. He never goes to the beach. Not one of photo of him enjoying the sun and sand. Think about that. Living at the beach, and you never walk outside, down to the surf. And he says he’s not weird.

    2. He could be enjoying retirement like a normal person, but instead he decided to commit a bunch of crimes, so now he’s constantly running for office in a desperate attempt to stay out of prison.

    3. This dude would never allow people to see him shirtless on a beach.

      For fuck’s sake, he wears suits that are big and baggy to try to hide how gross his body is.

    4. I just imagined Trump sunbathing on a beach and now I’m afraid to go to bed. I mean this will definitiv lead to some terrible nightmares.

    5. I swear, Biden, Harris, and Kimmel all live spaciously rent free in that fuckers head. You can tell that they bother him nonstop. Also, it’s funny that the capture has a headline:”Trump shares white house vision.” In all the ramblings thus far he has not once mentioned any policy or vision in detail, except vague project 2025 references.

    6. LoudRelationship7598 on

      You’re gorgeous, DonOld. That’s why you wear a girdle and have shoulder pads sewn into your suits and spray tan your face. You’re a natural beauty!!

    7. Even Chris Christie goes to the beach. Donnie? Nah. Too much risk of being tugged back into the surf by well-meaning whale lovers.

    8. And how is this relevant to your performance of the job you are applying for? I wasn’t aware we were electing the next Golden Bachelor.

    9. And this…former president is a legitimate contender in this year’s election.

      God help us all.

    10. Why is a presidential candidate out here comparing his 78 yr old obese body to an 80 yr old???

      Man the bar is *LOW*

    11. Professional-Hat-687 on

      “I would like to remind Mr. Trump yet again that he is running against me and not Joe Biden.”

    12. This further reinforces the fact that he is often forgetting that he is no longer running against Joe Biden.

    13. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      Moderation in all things, bruh. Motherfucker abstains from alcohol and goes hog on the cocaine and other stimulants for decades and has vast caverns in his brain.

    14. He went full weird today. This isn’t even the weirdest thing he said in this speech. Also his hair’s been purple for like a week now, are we gonna talk about this at some point?

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