Iran in 1979

    by filmingfisheyes


    1. Just remember, the US and Britain supported a coup against the popular and elected Prime Minister of Iran because he nationalized the oil production in the country. It was part of a huge series of reforms to try and reduce the income inequality and deep poverty of the majority of Iranians at the expense of British Petroleum (the Anglo-Persian Oil Company) , which had the monopoly on oil sales and production in Iran. This company was the wealthiest British company ever, so the loss of this was a huge blow to the British Government.

      The British wanted to invade but couldn’t get support from other countries, including the US. However, with the help of the CIA they were able to cause coup and reinstall the monarchy. This monarchy was rather hardline and rolled back all the reforms. This led to civil unrest and the revolution of 1979 which created the Islamic state as we now know it.

      So, yes everything going on in the Middle East, Israel, Palestine, Jordon, Iraq, Iran, all of these problems were caused by the US and the British and their dicking around in the Middle East, mostly because if oil and profits

    2. SleepyScorpioKitten on

      When I was very young, one of my two best friends was from Iran. She told us that her family had to leave and when we asked why she just said that “it was really bad there.” It wasn’t until I was a lot older that I realized she and her family fled because of the Iranian Revolution, it was such an “oh fuck” kind of moment connecting the dots, we didn’t understand the severity of the situation as little kids.

    3. Just to be clear Iran was always Muslim/Islamic, USA didn’t like the fact that they were thriving as a power, because Saudis had oil and they loved money more than they love anything, which makes them easy to control/manipulate, Iran was an issue, USA wouldn’t have any independent free thinking country in middle east, because middle east needs to be in conflict and in struggle to be used as they see fit for oil/and Israel’s comfort, thus Iran president and gov was replaced by a so called religious dumbass and destroyed the culture of citizens to be hateful and as so called religious bigots. It’s a shame however, when you consider politics it’s also extremely smart, west does not want a stable and strong east, and they are damn good at keeping it that way.

    4. That’s Islam for you …..just like any other religion …. They’re all just cults of ignorance hate and misogyny….

    5. Invasion? Every country has their own radical conservative religion that can take power if not stopped

    6. This is all wonderful. But you are aware of the monstrous inequality that existed in Iranian society, right? The wildly corrupt government, the disregard for the poor, which is why the religious figures won in the first place? About the political repression and dictatorship. Well, yes, just a slightly more aesthetically pleasing one than the Islamic one, in a European style.

    7. Acrobatic_Owl_3667 on

      Bet you that road raging guy joined the corps. “I have no time for this. How dare these girls, being lead by a woman cross the street safely!” He says, losing a indiscernible about of his time going home after filling up from the gas station.

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