Whattt? 🤦

    by Nice_Substance9123


    1. Yes, a mentally disabled person is responsible for most of the shit happening in the US

      But I don’t think Trump will have to look very far to find them

    2. TODDLER.

      Spank him out of existence in Nov


    3. Constant_Club6585 on

      I just don’t understand the point of his “rallies” besides to ramp up the unhinged like himself. ALL he does is spew vile rhetoric and talk about how he did this and that when he was president. Absolutely NOTHING of substance about HOW he’s going to do ANYTHING.

      Typical asshat that peaked in 3rd grade.

    4. This must be the toned down rhetoric republicans were demanding after his base tried to kill him. Twice.

    5. One_Economist_3761 on

      He’s always just nasty because he has no real reason anyone should vote for him. He has no clue how to be president. This is all a big popularity contest for him. He doesn’t even have a plan. Not even a concept of a plan.

    6. Remarkable_Quit_3545 on

      Yes, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen.

      It’s a good thing we had Biden/Harris to pull us back afterwards.

    7. I wish we could just let him fall into obscurity rather than posting every sentence that falls out his stupid mouth

    8. TheCraziestMoose on

      The Cheeto dust is soaking into his brain, but that Ok, just get some bleach or light in there… that’ll clear it up.

    9. If this was your grandpa you’d put him in an old folks home and move as far away as possible.

    10. Physical-Name4836 on

      It’s messed up that people believe everything he says. He’s a god to them. Which is why they are soooo devoted to him. And why they are so angry and shocked when you think he’s full of shit

    11. I understand how Cult 45 can rationalize his behavior/speech…but how TF does even one undecided voter think he is presidential material? I mean, seriously–can anyone explain it to me?

    12. Also in the same speech, he accused Americans of being unilaterally dumb to operate a smartphone, yet unironically praised Venezuelan asylum seekers for being smart enough to operate kamala’s secret underground railroad app

    13. He’s desperate to keep them low-IQ magas from leaving his show early. Kamala calling him “boring” has really triggered him.

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