This man is the most un-American, cheating, narcissistic, dictator-wanna-be, lying motherfucker that has ever walked the earth

    by Ok_Acadia3526


    1. i certainly don’t think trump is going to prosecute himself. him and his cronies are the only ones who have been consistently working against US democracy and trying to steal elections.


      congress also already investigated and referred for prosecution to the justice department. Report/evidence in the link below:

      >In the Committee’s hearings, we presented evidence of what ultimately became a multi-part plan to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. That evidence has led to an overriding and straightforward conclusion: the central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, whom many others followed. None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him.


    2. He wants to imprison not just his political opponents but journalists and all Democrat voters. He is a fucking aspiring dictator and the fact he’s in the final race shows how broken our country has become, and we need to vote for Harris to start repairing our nation

    3. Why would anyone trust that this psychopath won’t turn on them at this point is beyond me. He is an unstable loon, he’s not competent to lead.

    4. I had a friend in high school that every single girl he ever met he said gave him a BJ. I was the kind of friend that liked to verify, so I saw him get beat up by older brothers a few times. Trump basically does the same thing but with lies and then if any of them turn out to be true he be like “told you”!

    5. This IS a TODDLER.

      Treat him as such in Nov and spank him out of existence.

      Then the courts can and will finish him off, starting with Merchan giving a jail sentence.


    6. Fact: Most people who were caught and charged with tampering with or committing fraud in the last election were maga republicans.

    7. My take is that we’re just documenting his atrocities at this point.

      He’s not a leader. He’s a coward.

    8. ImpressiveSpace2369 on

      I hate this man with passion. My parents didn’t teach me to think of evil thoughts against someone and I never would. But, this man broke makes me do it over and over again.

    9. eternal_sorreaux on

      Yes, go yo the villages in FL and arrest the fraudsters that illegally voted for Trump, of course they all got a slap on the wrist.

    10. People HAVE to be getting sick of him at this point right? Even people who like him? I mean he’s on tv, in the news, everywhere, all the time and it’s so fucking old by now. It’s been like 10 years of this shit.

    11. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      So that is just simply everyone who he feels publicly embarrassed by his own losses. Thinnest skinned POS in history.

      But sure! Let’s re-elect him! FFS.

    12. He already said “we lost by a hair.” didn’t he? By that logic there’s no one to go after.

    13. People really shouldn’t be surprised at this point that he’s being shot at… I mean, this shit right here is beyond aggravating.

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