He definitely has some skeletons in his closet

    by NYstate


    1. If Russel Brand was that close to me in his kegs the only thing I’d want to be dipped in is a tub of Lysol.

    2. Vitaminpartydrums on

      Imagine being on a nice little river boat trip and you run into Russel Brand, in tightie-whities…. Apparently drowning Joey Lawrence

    3. “I’m a big four-eyed lame-o, and I wear the same stupid sweater ever day…” to the Springfield River!

    4. Since when is Russel religious or spiritual? He seems to enjoy himself too much to say there is someone greater and worth being under other than himself lol.

    5. It’s hard times and all, but swim trunks are less than $20 and last years.

      White cotton is notoriously opaque when wet…

    6. Nah, he’s just a grifter. 3 years ago, he was an ardent Buddhist making zen and meditation videos on YT. Fuck this guy.

    7. RefrigeratorPrize797 on

      I like how these people base their lives on the decision of teenagers who joined the cult of dude while saying the adults of our own time couldn’t possibly be mature enough to know anything of value because they lack life experience.

    8. So this is purely a business decision? He has to suck up to right wing podcasters nowadays or what?

    9. This is the nastiest baptism I’ve ever seen. I don’t blame that man for wearing a fuckin wetsuit

    10. Out here doing it in his underwear like he’s in the Righteous Gemstones. Even has his homoerotic buddy right next to him

    11. macaco_gordinho on

      Religion / cult becomes the addiction. Especially bs there is 1 – acceptance 2 – notoriety 3 – fame. He’s been chasing the the same drug, it’s just a different name this time.

      This guy is a perfect example of manipulation.

    12. TardyForDaParty on

      We out here baptizing in tighty whities?? This some Tila Tequila trying to baptize her neighbors type shit

    13. Oh yea Russell’s shit was already put out in the air earlier this year or late last year. Sexual harassment type stuff if I remember right. Dude had made the switch over to the usual grifting side of things during the pandemic

    14. OutchereSlapnMidgets on

      Bruh, if you tried to baptize me wearing nothing but tighty whities and a crooked smile… well, one of us is definitely getting closer to Jesus today.

    15. Mediocre-Proposal686 on

      I’m putting “Russell Brand Indictment” on my 2025 bingo card 😂. Nothing about this looks right

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