But she wanted to be named dany, or herminone!

    by mrdoctorderpy


    1. Would the writer of this like to come to the family shelter I work in and see what happens with unwanted children? The system is VERY broken and adding more kids to it will help nobody

    2. …but, when it was removed it was just a cluster of cells. No soul, no life, nothing. Not yet at least

    3. I don’t think the unborn child is able to pick chrysamthemums. If it is able to pick it, it would be truly terrifying for everyone watching

    4. AntelopeThick1093 on

      Terrorizing women and families in already vulnerable emotional status is such a mad move. Poor Humanity

    5. Forsaken-Jump-7594 on

      The thing that I love about this guilt tripping is that they either froth in rage or don’t know how to respond when someone points out that clump of cells could just as easily have become an awful person: Who’s to say it wasn’t a future rapist? A future school shooter? A future genocidal politician?

      Do you know how many human lives that abortion could have saved?

    6. Gold-Perspective-699 on

      I wanted to have a job like mommy one day. God they only think women can be moms and not have actual jobs.

    7. Nice_Bluebird7626 on

      My daughter was going to be named Amethyst. Ame for short. At 13 weeks my placenta started to detach. They let me bleed out for hours. I nearly died. I wanted her more than anything and my abortion saved my life. I then went on to have two healthy babies. My last pregnancy had the same issues as my first but little Aus made it into this world. I was on bed rest from 18 weeks until they induced me at 36. Even then my beautiful 7lb 21inches long beautiful girl was healthy. My blood pressure bottomed out with her. The placenta was growing all wrong and if I had gone full term both my daughter and Is risk for mortality was astronomical. They missed the placenta problem. I’m so lucky to be here. Posts like this hurt my soul because I did want Amethyst. My husband and I both wanted her

    8. FingerCommon7093 on

      Real things daughter’s say to their mothers…I hate you!! …You never let me do anything fun…Your just old….You don’t understand….Leave me alone!!….I’m not you!!…..GO AWAY!!!

    9. “Did you know your baby can see at just 8 weeks of development?” 🙄

      Legit saw this on a billboard in Texas

    10. And yet people who desperately want kids and need IVF to get them are also getting screwed over because a fertilized egg matters more than real kids to people who post this shit.

    11. Terrible-Roll-2880 on

      This is just sick, and the person who created this should be made to personally feel the suffering of each and every child that was born into a family that couldn’t care for them or love them like they deserve. Every time a child is born into a family that abuses them, they should feel their pain. Then, tell me abortion isn’t a viable option.

    12. They want to force you to have a child you can’t care for but if you asked them to adopt a child that was already born and take care of it themselves they’d say that’s unreasonable.

    13. Except these thoughts never existed because there wasn’t a developed brain to have them. Might as well have a chair in place of the kid. It’d make equal sense of it having thought and emotion.

    14. If my parents were going to name me after a pop culture reference that would quickly be outdated, then I’d rather be aborted TBH.

    15. King_Thundernutz on

      Some of these pro lifers will stop at nothing to guilt trip young women into having a child they do not want nor can afford. I do not see them rushing to adopt or take care of them. At the end of the day, women should sensibly have bodily autonomy. No one else should have dominion over the procedures you require.

    16. When my daughter was around 6 (mid 90s) we allowed her to go online to heavily supervised/monitored kids’ sites. Even with all that monitoring, both by us and the site managers, somehow the anti-choice zealots still got through. They sent her internal mail with a very kid-friendly title but the text was about an abortion procedure written from the perspective of the fetus and unfortunately she saw it before we did. It was graphic, it was disturbing and it was inexcusable. “Mommy, Mommy! What’s happening to me? I was so warm and cozy and now it hurts so much! I love you, Mommy! Please help me!” That sort of thing. I can’t even begin to describe how absolutely livid I was and frankly, still am. We had no issue with giving our daughter age appropriate sex education. She knew the names of body parts, how babies were made and so on but having to talk to her about abortion and explain how vile and cruel and wrong that letter was just wasn’t the kind of conversation I needed to have with my SIX YEAR OLD. I hate these people with the heat of a thousand suns.

    17. “NEW daddy?”

      Because every woman who has an abortion is a whore who’s already on to her next conquest, right?

    18. The fact that someone opened a word doc, found or drew that wonky pic and typed all of this out, then posted it on socials is insane to me.

    19. I swear there’s a video on yt that does smth similar and it’s basically a voice over of a fetus in the womb talking about what she wants to be when she grows up and then the mom gets an abortion. I watched that when I was like 8. Have no idea why didn’t realize It was an anti abortion vid till now…

    20. NoizchildJohnson on

      We should tell the anti-abortion people to raise the children. Drop the babies off on their doorstep and wish them luck. That’ll shut them up.

    21. Brainfullablisters on

      Oh fuck off, you weirdos. Once “Hermione” or “Dany” is an actual human being sucking air, they can go die in the fucking street for all the forced birthers care. I’m tired of being civil to these hypocritical pieces of shit, frankly.

    22. OP, I don’t know how to respond to this other than to ask what your motive was. Really sad on your part …

    23. I’m pro choice, but, honestly, no killing has affected me personally, so it’s a dumb response. 9/11 didn’t affect me personally. Israel/Hamas doesn’t affect me personally. Columbine didn’t affect me personally.

    24. If people are secure in their decisions to have an abortion. . .why does things like this bother people?

    25. CombAccording1252 on

      Correct terminology – Aborted fetus ! Not daughter yet.

      Also would like to understand where this person stands with recent IVF ban or adopting these so called daughters that people are aborting

    26. You can literally say all of these between every male suitor any woman has ever turned down…..

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