Trash human

    by OrangeCone2011


    1. Zealousideal-Day7385 on

      I grew up in Asheville and my parents still live there. It’s one of the most beautiful, welcoming, accepting little cities you’ll ever see.

      So I want to make sure I choose my words carefully with respect to the author of that tweet: fuck that guy right in the eye.

    2. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      My high school math teacher, one of the kindest people I know, lives there. I’m pretty sure that asshat would call him a degenerate.

    3. Kootenay-Hippie on

      Where can we send that fucking DP Josh back to. Should’ve never been allowed in this country.

    4. Josh’s final words will be, “delete my browser history.”

      Whoever hears that, fucking don’t.

    5. Nope. You don’t get to say “I hate seeing fellow North Carolinians suffer” and then refer to them as shit. Let me show you how this actually works: “Josh, I hope you suffer in the eternal bowels of hell because you’re shit.”

    6. Aggravating_Rate_286 on

      Lived around there for 30 years, hope this dork has the day they deserve. Wouldn’t shed a tear if they had to watch somebody drown their loved ones in front of them, celebrating a city full of people being subjected to death and destruction. We’ve gone too long insulating folks from consequences.

    7. Independent-Call7061 on

      I live in Greenville, SC- around 45 min South of Asheville. Asheville is one of the coolest places. Whoever posted this crap is the one who NC needs to flush. Along with Donald Trump and Mark Robinson.

    8. shinycozytwistedglam on

      Fuck this guy for taking joy in the suffering of others.

      (Chapel Hill & Durham also still here –deep blue & larger population than Asheville)

    9. Yeah, what about the other 548 flooded towns that are not woke? What’s god punishing them for? Being good christians?

    10. I lived in Asheville for a while until the SAD got me in fall and winter. Still, if I could do it I totally would be there again.

    11. Just a reminder: Until/unless someone identifies this guy, there’s a good chance he’s one of the many **Russian troll accounts** trying to make Americans hate each other. This is exactly the kind of activity they are known to engage in.

    12. I guess all the people in a 100 mile radius will have to suffer as well since this guy hates Asheville

    13. lightning_felix on

      The whole point of MAGA is fear and hate. Cruelty is baked into the movement because the movement could not exist in the heart of a person that is capable of empathy.

    14. Disastrous-Radio-786 on

      That is genuinely disgusting. The flood killed 48 people and had massive flooding destroying multiple parts of the town but the town was woke so they all deserved it

    15. what does he say about those suffering in Tennessee? also a “liberal shithole”?

      what a fucking vile human.

    16. I would love for this coward to use his real name and face for his shitty account, but we all know MAGA scum hide behind anonymity as they know they’d get a good punch in the face otherwise.

    17. Affectionate_Fly1413 on

      I bet there’s more than a few magarats in there…. but these people would say “fuck em” as long as they own the libs.

    18. But all the red rural surrounding communities that gays and POC aren’t safe in that were just washed downstream.. is that shit, too?

    19. Top-Enthusiasm5634 on

      My dad is an evangelical pastor. When something bad happens to someone he doesn’t like it’s because they are evil and god is punishing them. When something bad happens to him or his ilk it’s because he’s being persecuted for his faith by satan.

    20. Three points:

      1. If I am perfectly honest, I have to be happy to live in a part of the world that never gets hit by hurricanes.

      2. I feel for the people of Asheville. I wish I could do something for them.

      3. Situations like this are why FEMA exits. Trump would take a wreaking ball to FEMA so for that reason alone Trump is an existential threat to every single person who lives in the United States. Fuck Trump.

      4. realJosh-79 is probably a Russian troll or a MAGA-idiot.

    21. This person is conveniently overlooking that the entirety of deep red western NC was devastated by this. Not just the single blue dot in the political landscape. Idiot.

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