Stimulus without the PPE fraud

    by Federal-Equipment112


    1. FabulousApartment514 on

      Are they trying to suggest that doing something other than fighting and whining might be a good thing? Next they wil start wanting to feed kids. Who knows were the just wild concepts will take us.

    2. Forward_League_3209 on

      Much more creative than my launchpad idea. It involved launching certain politicians into the middle of the Atlantic.

    3. responsible_use_only on

      Man just THINK about all the avocado toast and Starbucks coffee I could buy with that!! 

      Seriously, that may be the only chance many young adults will ever have to own a home. That is until there’s a concentrated effort to further price the market out of range again.

    4. ResponsibleBank1387 on

      How will the rich and connected rip off us with this program? 
      Every program has someone that takes their cut. 

    5. while its too late for me to take advantage of the first home credit, I am very happy to see it.  I have many friends who want to buy their first home but are priced out of this ridiculous housing market.

    6. JoaquinOnTheSun on

      The biggest stimulus they could give, is to raise up all recipients of Social Security above the poverty line. After all, every dollar of that goes back into circulation.

    7. JohnnyPunchbeef on

      Just a gentle reminder to all of you still clinging to the dream: millennials are *not* “young Americans” anymore. I know, I’m gen x, I get it. It’s not fun getting old but you’re gonna have to accept it. Some of you are overdue for colon cancer checks, it’s getting to the point that denial can be hazardous to your health. It’s time to admit it: you’re not young.

    8. The Repugs give all of the money to the billionaires because those penis space rockets don’t build themselves!

    9. bathrobe_boogee on

      I’d like her to put this into writing, since she is the Vp currently they could do it before the election.

      If she doesn’t, it’s bologna

    10. Repukes don’t give money to anyone but rich folks, also repukes love to strip benefits from regular folks

    11. What’s funny is I’m still hearing people say she’s not talking enough about what she plans to do 😳 are you kidding me ?!!

    12. SteelTheUnbreakable on

      Bro….she literally stole those policies from Trump and Vance. Each time they proposed something, she proposed the same thing a week later.

      Also, you forgot to add no tax on tips.

    13. So if you get this as a tax credit or a return on your taxes does it count as un realized gains? Will you be taxed on it again?

    14. Reddit_Negotiator on

      Screw this. I could have benefitted from the student loan repayment and tons of older democrats told me that I didn’t deserve it because they had to pay their bills and it wasn’t fair that they didn’t get anything.

      So now that I have saved up and bought a house and had kids I will be damned if I will allow my tax dollars to pay for people to start their businesses or buy a house.

    15. nO fAir! I NeVEr Got THIS So I’M aGaiNst It. ScReW these kIDs, THEY doN’T DeSErVE It! whAt havE ThEY DOnE?

    16. meusnomenestiesus on

      Tax credits? We’re doing… tax credits? The other guy is “ending democracy” so our big “hey, it’s a campaign, lemme talk my shit” is fucking tax credits?

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