OMG St. Petersburg, FL.

    by XGramatik


    1. EmptyEstablishment78 on

      🎶🎶going to a boat show🎶🎶🎶we’re going to a boat show🎶

    2. I grew up in this city. It’s so crazy to finally see it sustain some major damage from a hurricane.

      Time to get the heck out of Dodge, y’all…

      P.S. That kinda looks like Treasure Island though.

    3. I mean the water rose and they floated there. Rich people keep their boats in docks right by their houses, it’s not like a tornado picked them up and threw them, it got flooded and boats float

    4. I live on the Gulf. We received wind here. Still blowing today. The first thing you do is pull your boat/ski if it’s in the water. There were boats and ski’s scattered here for years after Sally. I don’t get it unless you’re hoping for the insurance claim.

    5. Omg those poor rich people. If only they listened and not built all their expensive stuff in a disaster zone. Other than the loss of life I for one could care less. They got insurance

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