Very Stable Genius Uses The Best Words

    by T_Shurt


    1. Watch the [video here]( 📺

      As per [original article]( 📰:

      – During a characteristically rambling speech from Trump Tower in New York City on Thursday, former president Donald Trump made the [mind-meltingly dumb assertion]( that we should be more worried about “nuclear warming” than actual global warming.

      “What happened to the environment?” he told a room full of reporters. “They don’t mention it. They don’t mention that the ocean’s going to rise a quarter of an inch of the next 500 years… what they should start mentioning is nuclear warming.”

      The dumbfounding comment raises numerous questions. Who exactly is “they”? And what the hell is “nuclear warming”?

      It’s not the first time the infamous climate change denier has referred to the invented term. During [what has been described as the “dumbest climate conversation of all time”]( with multi-hyphenate billionaire Elon Musk last month, Trump argued that we should be talking about nuclear warming, not climate change.

      Musk tried to make sense of the utterance, arguing that “there’s the bad side of nuclear, which is a nuclear war, very bad side.”

      At the time, Trump also argued that melting glaciers would create “more oceanfront property,” an equally harebrained argument that has no grounding in reality whatsoever.

      Double Threat

      It’s entirely unclear what the former reality TV host means when he’s talking about nuclear warming. Given his comments during a December interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, there’s a chance he’s referring to the threat of a nuclear war with Russia — which has little to do with the climate crisis.

      At the time, he referred to nuclear as the “n-word,” which usually refers to a different word sometimes used by Trump’s supporters.

      “The biggest problem, Trump says, is ‘nuclear warming,” Mother Jones’ David Corn tweeted at the time. “What is he talking about?”

      “Nuclear warming? Is this along the same lines as when the wind stops blowing your TV goes off?” another user commented. “And windmill noise causes cancer?”

      As always, making any sense of Trump’s incoherent rambling is a fool’s errand, especially when it comes to the climate crisis.

      And the same goes for Musk, who has gradually emerged as a full-blown Trump supporter, in spite of leading the charge on the electrification of cars.

      During his mind-numbing conversation with Trump last month, Musk argued that the only reason we should ditch fossil fuels is that the wells will eventually run dry and that the only fallout would be a rise in “headaches and nausea” due to higher carbon dioxide levels.

      He also asserted that it was wrong to “vilify” the oil and gas industry, yet another idiotic argument given the industry’s massive contributions to global emissions.

      “It is sad that Elon Musk has become a climate change denier, but that’s what he is,” climate scientist Micahel Mann told The Guardian last month. “He’s literally denying what the science has to say here.”


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    2. I think he brings this up because he’s speaking to Putin who is manipulating Trump with respect to fears about nuclear war.

    3. Of course, when you use nukes, the immediate area gets very warm. What’s confusing about that?

    4. No_Asparagus_4588 on

      I’m guessing by they he means scientists and by nuclear warming is anyones fucking guess

    5. I despise trump with the fierce heart of a thousand suns.

      As much as it pains me to say so, I am terrified of a certain “nuclear warming;” namely, Bill Gates buying and warming up the site of a past catastrophe, Three Mile Island.

      I guess he figures it’s been just long enough for everybody to forget about it, so they won’t realize he’s starting up a nuclear plant *that already had one disaster* and has now been sitting and steadily losing structural integrity for forty-odd years.

      Never, ever, ever fall for the ridiculous lie that rich people are smart. They’re not. They are some of the most witless, foolhardy, howling idiots on the planet.

    6. Mindless-Charity4889 on

      I’m pretty sure he’s talking about a nuclear war being a bigger threat to human life than global climate change. I suspect that this is his way of justifying kissing Putins ass as well as trying to get credit for no nuclear wars happening on his watch.

    7. Oh shit, I get it. The message was ‘they mention the fact that the ocean will rise by 1/4 of an inch in 500 years (which is negligible) but they won’t mention the threat of nuclear war (which is supposedly eminent because his master has threatened it. Again. In all seriousness dude has left the building mentally, and it’s only a matter of time before they punch his ticket.

    8. So all jokes aside I used to drive a cab in a town with a MASSIVE meth problem.

      The way he keeps outrunning himself, the weird rants, the “everyone’s my enemies if they refuse to be a resource” mindset… I think the DJT is spun out.

      He’s on some kind of stimulant and he’s starting to burn out.

    9. “The oceans are going to rise a quarter of an inch in 500 years” the earths oceans have risen 3 inches in the last 30 years

    10. The body of Trump is trying to tell us something important about him. Look where the finger is pointing with so much insistence.

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