Lost something in translation

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. At this point I’m beginning to think the GOP has stated that more illegals have crossed the border than the population of South America.

    2. she is a disgusting russia shill, in putins’ pocket, trying to help donald trump win:



      # Tulsi Gabbard falsely claims US ‘not so different’ from Russia on freedom of speech

      [google the headline + politifact, link is formatted so it’s unpostable on a lot of reddit lol]

      # The GOP’s new, Russia-friendly campaign-trail buddy: Tulsi Gabbard


      # Russian State TV Panel Call Tulsi Gabbard ‘Our Girlfriend’


    3. A) she was never ‘border czar’

      B) Even if she WAS, she is the vice president and has virtually no power to do anything about it.

      C) The Biden administration TRIED to do something about it, but trump told his magats in congress to tank the bill.

    4. Zealousideal-Day7385 on

      Tulsi Gabbard has a difficult time hiding her desperation for relevancy. Some right of these wing asshats can pull off just being a naturally horrible person, but Tulsi always seems like what she really wants is attention.

    5. Tulsi have a speech years ago in Hawaii at military khaki ball/birthday to the navy. She spoke out against the Obama admin and their handling of the wars. She is a traitor and should have her pension revoked

    6. ConsciousReason7709 on

      Right now, border crossings are at a lower level than they ever were under Trump. Down 70%. Fun fact.

    7. I don’t get it. Russia = bad, except for trump? But when trump says Russia, Russia bad. But when trump says he’s good friends with Putin, Russia good?

    8. Emergency_Property_2 on

      Any one listening to a Russian asset who’s on the terrorist watchlist is a useful idiot who should also be on the trrrorist watch list.

    9. Conservatives should be glad I’m not President. They’d be occupying those cages and deported.

    10. Sensitive-Painting30 on

      She left out the part ..that the republicans killed the strongest bi partisan border bill after Trump called them and told them to “kill it…that it was better for him to run on the problem then to fix it”

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