Members of the “Red Warriors,” a collective of French punk music enthusiasts who took it upon themselves to patrol the suburbs of Paris and confront fascist skinheads through violent means during the 1980s

    by Velli_crash


    1. RepostSleuthBot on

      Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 2 times.

      First Seen [Here]( on 2023-05-18 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here]( on 2023-09-17 98.44% match

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    2. EcstaticHelicopter on

      As my grandfather used to say; “Nothing feels better, more perfect than hitting a fascist in the mouth.”

    3. Is the lesson here that extra-judicial violence is great as long as the other side has horrible views? If so it only takes a change in government and culture for the shoe to be on the other foot.

      Me? i’m just against violence and telling people with horrible views to F off.

    4. burnerbummer666 on

      I know they were patrolling their suburb, but the reason we get to enjoy punk and hardcore scenes around the world without fascist assholes is because when they used to show up, they got the shit beat out of them repeatedly until they got the message.

    5. Interesting look. They look exactly like some neo-rockabilly/psychobilly fans in the 80’s/90’s in several countries, and those people clashed with punk fans a lot.

    6. ..and if it was about patrolling the streets to make sure that immigrants don’t get out of line? Still cool..?

    7. Here in Denver there was a large SHARP presence and while not directly affiliated, I had friends associated and we’d join them in some whoopings. It was a wild time.

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