Free Speech on rise in Twitter since Elmo bought it 😉

    by butumm_


    1. There are still people alive who either endured or liberated the camps. Yet this shit is out there.

      It’s not surprising though, I have had people tell me I’m wrong about a terrorist attack i actually witnessed. (No one died, but the amount of people online that say it never happened is bizarre.)

    2. Imaginary-West-5653 on

      If there are people who say that Australia does not exist or that the Earth is flat, you can be sure that there will be stupid (and hateful) people who will say that the Holocaust did not happen.

    3. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      Another example of racists wishful thinking. They all *wish* we would stop *thinking*. 😐

    4. When Buchenwald was liberated, Eisenhower had the military force the residents of the nearby town to take a tour of the camp to ensure they bore witness to the Nazi’s atrocities.

      He said, “Get it all on record now, get the films, get the witnesses, because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

    5. It’s obvious that the Germans build a bunch of gas rooms and furnaces in the middle of the war just so future generations could play the victim.

      And all documents and piles of boots and rings during the postwar where the survivors were barely… surviving.

      It makes perfect sense. \s

    6. The sad thing is some of those people then visit germany, visit the camps or meet the survivors and will still never believe it. To be so set in your beliefs that you are unwilling to question them is a sad state of mind.

    7. You can physically visit the camps. I went to one in 9th grade and anyone who can see shit like that and then be like “nah, it didn’t happen” is some kind of abhuman degenerate.

    8. BernieTheDachshund on

      I don’t understand why they deny it happened. Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ is well documented by historians worldwide, along with American troops that helped liberate the camps. There’s lots of video too.

    9. Sadly, all the world has learned about genocide is a how to so it appears more politically correct to justify and distasteful to condemn.

    10. In fact the Holocaust is not one of the most well documented and studied events in human history. It’s even forbidden to doubt or investigate about it in many countries.
      It was done precisely to avoid deniers to grow but that policies kinda misfired after a while.

    11. ThisIsFineImFine89 on

      could a conservative explain to me the benefit of allowing the bile on twitter?

      So far I’ve seen no tangible benefit.

      surely we can draw the line at Nazis and Holocaust denial

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