I found a carcass of a bear that died from a tree falling on it

    by thekuhlkid


    1. Because of how it fell I wasn’t sure if the tree actually struck the bear or if the bear just died there, but there were hairs embedded in the tree where it hit the bear.

    2. BlackMarketCheese on

      Free bear skull and claws! You’re halfway to being a forest prophet. Be on the lookout for raven feathers and deer antlers

    3. Hackfleischgott on

      Well now you are a proud owner of a bear skeleton…. Use it to scare people. Or give it to a taxidermist.

    4. AristolteInABottle on

      Sooo whats with taking the skull and claws? Magic powers or something? Absolutely my last thought it to rummage around a bear carcass for its bones.

    5. I guess that answers the question of what happens when a tree falls in the forest and if a bear poops in the forest…

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