The amount of excess oil removed 😲

    by Patient_Island_2080


    1. Past-Direction9145 on

      gloves, PPE, hair nets, stainless steel, circuit breakers, GFCI’s, yep.

      this is civilized. I’m not sitting here cringing as I stare at open wounds on the “workers” who don’t even have the money to buy a band-aid let alone shoes.

      only so much of that shit I can handle before I start to feel like the lowest scum of the planet for feeling judgemental.

      I just hate watching people’s health and body being exploited for pennies without the barest concern for their well being. And by that I mean, next week. Not 5 years from now. Next week if they’re missing their hand, what then? Guess they get used to having only one hand. It’s so sad.

    2. It looks like a lot but how much is actually coming off per item. There was so much chicken in that fabric and it didn’t look like they change the bucket after every “drying”. It’s definitely a good thing to get rid of the oil, I’m just questioning how much is actually coming off

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