Bro 😂😭

    by MothersMiIk


    1. They had to find a fourth grader to say this and they think it’s some sort of “own”?

      Weird and pathetic.

    2. I will always wonder *”Where do they find these folk”* when the media goes for interviews. I swear the report will have one rational talked and 6 idiots following them.

    3. This is literally my co workers.

      “I’m not really political but I just can’t stand her voice. I guess I should look into the policies”

      Whenever I hear some dumb shit like that this far into the election cycle I don’t get frustrated because I know they are not voting anyways. After I heard that quote I just told them to watch the debate, even if you aren’t political the debate was still good content. If you can’t figure out who to vote for after watching then you are a lost cause to me.

    4. Girl if you don’t go somewhere Yami Yugi. Don’t you have to save your friends from the Shadow Realm or something

    5. Anxious-Scratch on

      This is not a reflection of a 11 year old, this is a reflection on the adults in her life who will be voting for Trump

    6. occamsshavingkit on

      I been tellin people for years it’s these charter schools. A lot of times these schools are christian academies and that’s nothin but nothin but a right wing finishing academy. These teach these kids to be white and conservative.

    7. When I was a kid way back when, I had a crush on a guy who loved baseball. I fucking researched the shit out of that sport. I wrote down stats of each game, knew all the players of all the teams. I was gonna relate to him no matter what.

      This… is that.

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