Whenever I plan to explore alternatives to Chrome, I end up disappointed

    by TheAwesomeGenius


    1. TheAwesomeGenius on

      For those not knowing what chromium is, it is a open source web browser project which was developed by google.
      Many apps and other web browser which include more than shown use it cause it is easier to take it and make a web browser/apps (It is really really difficult to start from scratch and make a web browser)

    2. Chrome and Chromium are not the same thing. Chromium is the base without anything, and what a browser decides to add up over Chromium creates each browser.

    3. firefox and its forks are the only non chromeium based browser that exist (from what i know) and the majority of Mozilla’s income is from google so that google still has “some” competition

    4. mmm firefox. switched back to it 2 years ago. Life has been so much better since. Fuck chrome.

    5. Ok may be a stupid question but since it’s related, I’ve used both Firefox and opera gx, switched to Firefox with the flare up of chromium based stuff being bad, is one better than the other or am I just thinking wrong

    6. I’ve been using zen browser recently. It’s Firefox based, open source and cuts all the spyware from Mozilla

    7. Firefox ftw

      My main browser for many years now, I’m used to have a lot of tabs opened, and it has proven to be the more robust at keeping them, even in the hardest crashes there was always a way to recover them in the directory files, not the same I can say about others.

    8. FluidEntrepreneur309 on

      Name a browser that isn’t based from chromium or firefox (or that isn’t chrome/chromium, and firefox)

    9. My organization I work for wants us all to change to Firefox solely to spite Google’s monopoly.

      Gotta convince 115 employees to stop using chrome now

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