Cat tree came in a box with instructions to make a cat house

    by clyft


    1. At least the makers know the cats will use the box over the tree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

    2. Buy a cat an expensive toy and they just sniff it and walk away. Give them a cardboard box and they play with it all day..gotta love it!

    3. Ok_Television9820 on

      May I suggest investing in some gaffer’s or duct tape? For longer-term enjoyment of the cat house, and also endless hours of crafty/handy tape amusement. The clear Scotch/Cellotape stuff is fine for paper but will come off the cardboard pretty quick, especially if your cats play with the house, as of course they will. I have years of “making stuff out of cardboard with tape” experience, and just want to help.

    4. Screw the cat. Give me that cardboard box and by the end of the day it will be a heavily defended fortress complete with moat, cannon, and maintained by the finest dwarven engineers.

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