Times have changed..

    by John_1992_funny


    1. Technology, communication styles, economic landscape, social values ​​and political views and consumer habits have changed the situation.

      But facing backwards![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)

    2. The taste of life has been changed, the hard life is so normalized that we think it as a normal life and a normal life became a dream now

    3. If the average boomer did what society suggested, they retired. How is it the individuals fault? I grew up barely middle class. My dad remarried and through frugality was able to retire. My mom will not be able to retire. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to college. I joined the military, and the gi bill paid for college after enlistment. I see credit in various forms (and those that manage it) as the problem, more than anything. Not the average boomer. I see elites/share holders sucking the value out of everything as a huge part of the problem. But hey, if media and elites can make the younger generations blame the older ones instead of their owners and donors, who am I to interfere?

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